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WGHS advanced AP Art class welcomed Charity Jackson, a 2020 WGHS graduate and professional tattoo artist. She shared insights on color theory, tattoo styles, and techniques.
by Tristan Banks and Addison Butler ![]()
Mrs. Stacy Jackson
Mrs. Jackson is the AP art teacher at Walnut Grove High School. She got to experience and learn new things with her students. She says, "I had no idea there was so much involved in tattooing, different kinds of needles and methods involved with the process." Mrs. Jackson’s thoughts on the tattoo artist were positive. She says, “She was a former AP student who made a career in art, and it was cool how she connected with the current AP students here.” She also says, “I'll have to have more guest speakers here at Walnut Grove to see people like their former selves.” ![]()
Miles Brown
Miles is a sophomore at WGHS, and he talks about how he enjoyed the tattoo artist coming. He described it as, “Interesting and informative” and he also states, “I liked to see her portfolio and her sketches.” He talked about some new things that he learned, “You shouldn't get a tattoo on scar tissue if it's still new.” Miles has imagined being a tattoo artist one day, “I think it's something I consider doing and the idea of putting art on other people that really interests me. ” ![]()
Amelia May
Junior Amelia May shares her thoughts on Charity Jackson coming to Walnut Grove High School, describing what she learned, “Tattooing is harder than it looks. It's tough to get a straight line out of a tattoo machine.” She tells about how the tattoo artist benefited her and her future. She says, “I got to talk to her about potentially becoming a tattoo artist. I plan on becoming a tattoo artist, and I got to practice tattooing.” Amelia also says, “In the future, I will use what I learned because wanting to be a tattoo artist, I will have to learn how to tattoo on fake skin, and just practicing for just a little bit made me realize I need to practice more.” As a result we want to thank Charity Jackson for coming and inspiring the next generation of artists. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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