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This past week, CTI students had a delightful experience touring Lanier Tech and The National Guard Aviation Armory learning from special speakers and instructors.
by Talia Banks and Rylee Watson
Landon Kutsch shares “We went and toured Lanier Tech, and looked at the welding program, nursing program, engineering and automotive program.” Landon and Tristan both express “CTI stands for Career Technical Instruction.” Landon continues, “After high school, I don't know what I want to do, but there's a lot of schools with interesting programs; now I have a better idea of what I want to do from the CTI event.” He mentions how he prepared, “Honestly I just dressed nice and was really really respectful to everyone at the school.” Landon believes that his experience was extremely good, and he was beyond grateful to be a part of the event.
Landon then shares, “It showed me there's a lot more options outside of high school and that school may be an option instead of just getting a job straight after.” He affirms, “CTI is very fun: you get out of school, they feed you lunch, and you actually get information on what you want to do out of high school.” He also comments, “The event was very fun, Coach Whitley is a very fun guy. He is an awesome coach and very informative; he helped break down everything and make it very clear... I really focused on the welding program because welders make extremely well money and the teacher was really cool at Lanier Tech.” Another student, Tristan Roland portrays his perspective of the CTI event, “[Instructors] showed us around; toured Lanier Tech and showed us different program we could do in the future, like welding, nursing, or medical field." Tristan enjoyed "…CTI because I can see myself doing something in this pathway after I graduate high school. I would like to do construction when I get out of high school." He then adds, “I just applied for the event and everyone just told me to do it, so I did, plus it was a really good opportunity for me... I think I like Lanier Tech more just because of the programs... It benefits me because it encourages me to do better.” His last thoughts were, “It was great, a great opportunity like I said earlier. Not many people get accepted to go when you apply, but I got the chance, and I am very happy with the results.” These two students at Walnut Grove had great things to say and were highly positive about the event that took place at Lanier Technical College. This was a great event here at Walnut Grove who are helping to make a change. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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