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Recently, the Henry Danger memes have been all over the internet, taking social media by storm. Entertainment staff decided to give their opinions and gather reviews by asking students about these trending memes.
by Chloe Fankah and Danija Thomas ![]()
OMG!! When it comes to these Henry Danger memes I most definitely live for them. They are so funny and the things people say to relate to their faces crack me up. I can't lie. My first time seeing these memes was on TikTok. I was laying down in my bed, you know perusing, and it came across my For You Page. At first I was asking myself where did these come from, but then they started trending on everything. They are so funny because some of the memes I have come across, I relate to so much. Chloe and I interviewed some students here at WGHS about the Henry Danger memes and one of the students we interviewed was my friend Jermani Jacquemard (junior), she talked about how one of her favorite memes was the one I sent her and it said, “When me and my homegirl peep something”. We also interviewed De’Lylah Robinson (sophomore), she said that her favorite meme was the one where Henry Danger was leaning and it said, “Me when I’m trying to match my homeboy’s height." I found this one so funny because I had literally just sent my best friend a similar meme with the same picture, but it had something else written on it. De’Lylah, showed exactly how Henry was posed in the meme. I just feel like these memes are really funny but they are going to get old and annoying at some point of time. ![]()
Man! When I first saw these memes, I was like “This is so random.” One morning I decided to check TikTok just to see what was going on, and the first thing I saw was a Henry Danger meme. I don’t remember exactly what it was about, but I remember laughing out loud because it was so relatable. After that, they just kept popping up on my For You Page. I would see about five Henry Danger memes on my page every time I went on TikTok, and now they’re everywhere. The one that I related to the most was “me waking up 10 minutes before my appointment because I decided to book in the morning”. As someone who used to watch the show, I thought it was so random that there were memes of it all over. I personally would say that Henry Danger had a funny character trait, and some of the memes were even related to the scene where the picture was taken. I think that they might die down, but even if they do, these memes will be used for a really long time. And I have a feeling that the next generation are likely to use it and relate to it the same way we do. Jael Bailey (Junior) was able to give her thoughts on the memes. She stated that, “I think they’re kinda funny. My brother made a TikTok video about one, but they’re all the same! The one my brother posted had Henry Danger looking all funny and the meme said, “Me when I see some fine stuff walking down the hallway.” The first meme was on TikTok, and she referenced back to the meme of Henry and Charlotte leaning against each other.
“Henry Danger” memes have clearly left a good mark on us, bringing out some of the laughter in things that teens and young adults deal with daily. From TikTok to group chats and other social platforms, these memes continue to spread joy and bring back memories we had of the show. A common theme that the students we interviewed had is that the first platform they saw the memes on was TikTok and the most talked about meme was the one with Henry and Charlotte leaning in next to each other.
Part of the reason why these memes went so viral was because of how relatable they were. Danija and I have opposite opinions on what will become of the memes as time passes. I believe that even though these memes might die down, they will still be around, while she believes that they are going to get old and annoying over time. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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