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On Tuesday night, October 1st, the Walnut Grove chorus class had its first concert of the year. Here’s what a few chorus members have to say. by Dayla Wilson ![]() On Tuesday night, October 1st, the Walnut Grove chorus class had its first concert of the year. Here’s what a few chorus members have to say. Throughout the class, chorus members constantly prepare for their next performance. Elysia Mooneyhan (10) said, “We sing every class like we would sing at a concert.” They practice memorizing the lyrics, singing on key, and timing; that’s a lot to remember. Part of performing is being nervous to make a mistake and embarrass yourself. Kolton Anderson (10) mentioned that Mr. Reidling, the chorus teacher, helps to calm their nerves. Kolton said, “Mr. Reidling helps me a lot, I feel very comforted by him.” Elysia added, “Mr. Reidling [helps] a lot, [with] his conducting and teaching and his confidence.” Having a good leader is a vital part of a successful concert. Kolton had a drum solo to perform, which made him a little nervous: “With this show, I have a drum solo, so I'm a little worried about that.” But everything turned out fine, and Kolton killed his solo. He said, “Honestly, it was fire. It was the first time I fully did it without messing up. Yeah, it was great.” At the concert, they performed songs of African and Italian origins. Mr. Reilding is studying to achieve his doctorate in conducting. Elysia said, “Mr. Reilding is studying for his Doctorate and part of that was proving that he could conduct songs from different cultures.” she continued, “It’s also just cool to include different cultures.” Overall, this concert was a huge success for the chorus and the school as a whole. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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