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Samuel Seybert (Junior) was chosen as the Thespian of the month. by Cheyenne Seagraves Samuel was surprised by Ms. Gibson’s pick, “I was genuinely surprised because… I just do my job, nothing special. But it was a pleasant surprise.” He says he doesn’t really know why she chose him and continues to say, “I just kind of show up and do what’s expected of me, but I guess that she took notice of it and thought that I was doing a good job.” He says being pretty good with tools so he can help build sets and his leadership skills could have been taken into consideration when being chosen. He enjoys the process of watching a show go from just a script to the final product, “The people in this program and our amazing director always make it an enjoyable and fun experience.” He finishes by saying he believes the arts are such an incredibly important part of human society, the emotions and effects their shows can cause in the audience are truly amazing. Samuel has been in theater since his freshman year. He’s been in: Our Place, Mean Girls, Tuck Everlasting, and he’s currently in The Giver. He has also assisted in multiple other shows while not being an active role in them. His favorite roles are the head of the sets/props department as well as stage managing. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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