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The Walnut Grove Basketball conditioning started October 7th and finished October 10th. The conditioning took place at the track field and the hills by the tennis court. The conditioning consisted of running around the track a couple times, a mile run, and running bleachers. This was new Head Coach Dennis Whitley’s first year running the conditioning, and he decided he was doing something new: he was going to make conditioning more competition based. Coach Whitley then said, “I thought conditioning was good this year, typically we only do two days but we decided to do four because of fall break, and it was good that everybody competed hard. We did a very competition-based conditioning. Everyone was really interactive and really went all in on it, so it was good.” Sayyid Peay, a student athlete at Walnut Grove participated in the conditioning. He said, “It was somewhat hard. Sometimes it was hard, sometimes it was easy. [I plan to be] hustling more, getting in the gym more and just working harder.” Tryouts Tryouts took place October 21st and the 22nd. They took place in the main gym after school. Coach Whitley made it clear what he was looking for in this year's class. “ I look at three things really: character, grades, and skill-set. If you're not doing right in school [or] if you're always in silent lunch or ISS, I can't put a basketball shirt on you because you're representing us... We only get to keep 20 guys for the season, and about 50 kids came to the tryouts. Unfortunately, about 30 of them won't make the cut, but that's just the business we are in… Everyone trying out loves basketball. They have opportunities to go play the game even though it's not with the school.” Coach Selman Coach Selman, a former student athlete at Walnut Grove graduated in 2018, is now a part of the coaching staff as an assistant coach. He played basketball all throughout high school and played some rec ball when he was out of school. He was very excited to participate in the conditioning and tryouts this season. He said, “It was definitely a success. Everyone was working so hard out there, everyone was sweating and tired, rolling out in the grass and everyone putting in that work together… it was just really good to see that everyone was chasing after things. It was a very successful week.” The tryouts have been completed and the coaches will now decide the team. Fans will know soon enough, and a pre-congratulations from the Viridian Sports Staff to those who made it! The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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