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Walnut Grove High School seniors participated in Senior Sunrise. On October 4th, they played games and food and watched the sunrise as a class before their impending graduation. by Ansleigh Hester Senior Sunrise Outlook Many of the seniors enjoyed a crisp, fall morning of food, games, and taking pictures with their friends. Ella Stover, a Varsity cheerleader and flag football player, shares her opinion on her first and last Senior Sunrise. “I loved getting to see my friends and just have time to talk. We all just enjoyed each other's company,” Stover explains. Christina Casey, a Varsity golf player, enjoyed spending time with her friends. “I was anticipating the sunrise itself,” Casey shares about the Senior Sunrise. Shannon Hayes, a Thespian member, and the Senior Class President, favorite part was seeing how many students would show up. “I was anticipating people coming with their friends and hanging out together,” Hayes shares. Maggie Shumate, a Varsity cheerleader, expresses that taking pictures was the best part of Senior Sunrise. “...getting to hang out with all my friends and take pictures [was her favorite part].” The Expectations of the Event Seniors expected a peaceful time, fun time with friends on the football field. Unfortunately, seniors couldn’t go on the football field because of the traffic in the morning. However, there were many positives of the event that students appreciated. Stover states, “I was expecting us to talk, eat, and take pictures together which all happened.” She continues to say that everything she expected of the event was reality. Casey wanted there to be good music played at Senior Sunrise. “I think it could’ve been better if it had music,” she says. Shumate wishes that they could’ve watched the sunset on the football field. “I wish it was on the practice field or football field instead of the tennis courts,” she says. Many of the seniors enjoyed playing cornhole, eating their chicken biscuits, and taking pictures with their Senior Sunrise posters. Hayes says, “We got [out] there and got our food. Then [we] just hung out, played games, and took pictures!” Future Events for Seniors Many events are coming up on the horizon. From the senior bonfire to graduation, seniors plan on attending these activities because they want to experience every last event before high school is over. “I am looking forward to the senior sunset, graduation day, and Warrior Day,” Stover concludes. Casey is very excited about the future events coming up for the senior class. “I am looking forward to the senior bonfire and senior sunset.” The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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