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On October 7, 2023, the WGHS Drama troupe, the Green and Blackfriars, rehearsed over the break for their upcoming competition on October 21, 2023. The members are gearing up in preparation and are eager to share how it’s going.
by Brylee Sanders and Natonya Clinger
On October 7, 2023, the WGHS Drama Club, the Green and Blackfriars, rehearsed over the break for their upcoming competition on October 21, 2023. The members are gearing up in preparation and are eager to share how it’s going.
Mrs. Amanda Gibson, a new member of the community at WGHS and also the head of the drama club, was especially excited. “These kids are wonderful... They’re professionals, and they know exactly what they need to do. This has been great progress and stressful, but just because of our timeline this semester, they’re doing a great job." The play “A Piece of My Heart”, follows six women who are volunteers in the Vietnam War. "We got into this show specifically because of the content, and I wanted them to be able to actually appreciate this because this is a piece based on real history and it’s based on true accounts from actual people who were there, and I wanted them to understand the importance of the story we were telling. We aren’t performing just to perform; we’re telling somebody’s personal story, which is important to me. Because this was a real event that impacted so many people, we wanted to give it the respect that it was due.” When you're watching a great movie, you wonder, “How do they do it?” “I've been watching a lot of movies about the Vietnam War. I just examine that, and yeah, that's really all I do before I perform; I just get in her mind set, not mine.” is how Samara McKnight (12) gets ready and plays the part. Mrs. Gibson further explains her tactics. “So with this show, there are a lot of technical elements that need to happen exactly in certain ways for the show to keep continuing and be under time. So we needed to practice transitions; we had a couple of small character adjustments; some acting and technical notes were given; just making sure we’re on the same page.” It's not all serious all the time. They have their fun moments, too, “One time we were running through the show and this one character flipped the line backwards, and so the line is 'on duty head nurse' instead of 'head nurse on duty', and that was a really good laugh," Samara said. Overall, Samara expressed her excitement for the play and hopes that they will win. Overall the group seems confident and fully prepared for the competition. WGHS is excited about the upcoming play and urges the community to continue to support them as they go to competitions on Saturday, October 21 and Wednesday, October 25. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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