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Students of WGHS share their opinions about the cold weather this winter. They get involved with their daily lives and how they feel about the coldness.
by Emma Dickens and Cameron Parker ![]()
The Effects of Winter Students at WGHS have been persevering through the past few weeks, with our indecisive weather and multiple storms.
Ninth grader Raigen Roberson discussed how she feels, “The weather is bipolar, and it needs to stay cold or stay warm.” Raigen then explained to us that she stays warm by “staying home in my bed sleeping, or whenever I come to school I wear 500 layers.” Raigen isn't the only one who feels this way, twelfth grader Ariana Parsons also stated, “It's freezing right now, and I keep getting sick.” A spike in sickness seems to be a common theme among the students, making it harder for kids to come to school. The Sicknesses Winter Comes With WGHS has been dealing with a lot of sickness going around. Tenth grader Nathan Mamou explained, “I’ve been sneezing, my nose has been runny, and I have a cold.” Everyone interviewed for this article has said either they or their family members have been sick. Ariana Parsons is going through the same problem. She states, “The weather keeps getting me and my family sick.” This is a major issue during the school year because it can cause students to be absent or continue to spread the cold. The Pros and Cons of Winter There are a number of pros and cons of the cold weather. Eleventh grader Briana Lopez states, “It's gross, it needs to get hotter, it's too cold and it's hard to drive.” When the temperature is below freezing it is not enjoyable for the students. She also says, “I hate being cold, it's gross and it makes my truck cut off. I can't feel my legs.” Briana is one of the many who don’t like the cold. Raigen Roberson, on the other hand, says something positive about the cold. She states, “It's cold, and I don't sweat as much.” Everyone can agree that summertime can be miserable with how hot it gets. There's many more cons than pros when it comes to winter time, according to the students at WGHS. Leaving this Winter in the Past Multiple students have stated that this month has been painfully cold. They have gone through sixteen degree weather, icy roads, a nasty cold virus, and super rainy days. Yet through all of these challenges students here at WGHS have managed to stay on track and start their semester on a good note. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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