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On March 7th WGHS band traveled to Clark Central High School to perform in the LGPE competition. Our Marching Warriors garnered the ever-coveted "All Superior" rating in every element.
by Ari Carreon and Cameron Parker
On March 7th WGHS band traveled to Clark Central High School to perform in the LGPE competition. Our Warriors garnered the ever-coveted "All Superior" rating in every element. This event is less of a competition than an event because participants are judged by their past performances and how well they have improved from last year. This performance is an amazing experience for band students because they get to go out and perform with multiple other schools with varying skill levels and strengths.
Student Rating of the Competition: WGHS band rated themselves this year with tenth grader Holden Crescionie saying, “For me I think that might have been the best I've played for most of those pieces... Overall I think we all did a great job, you know there's always certain people who might have not done their personal best, but we held our own.” Mrs. Merck followed that with her comments, “[The students] did wonderful. They exceeded my expectations, but they could improve next year by listening better and being less of an individual and more of an ensemble.” Walkthrough: The performance consists of multiple schools going against their past performances from the year before. They all meet at Clarke Central High School and each band from each school watch each other perform. Jacob Rowe (10th) offers a view of the scheduling of the event, “We get there on the buses, unload our stuff from the trailers, then we go to a practice room get warmed up. [We] then go on the stage to perform... we watch a few bands play... we get our scores... then come back to the school." Mackenzie Ragan adds, “We did three songs on stage: a march, a ballad, and a fast piece.” How can you compete next year? If you are interested in going on this trip next year, you will need to be in the WGHS band, as this event was mandatory. LGPE gave students the opportunity to miss class for a few periods, travel somewhere new, learn new skills, and possibly make new friends. If you are interested in learning new skills like playing an instrument, and learning to perform in a crowd WGHS band is for you. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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