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WGHS students Nevaeh Patrick (Junior) and Luke Blanchard (Junior) give their opinion on the recent season of Love is Blind.
by Cheyenne Seagraves ![]()
Nevaeh’s favorite couple of this season was Amy and Johnny, “They are the cutest…” She says that she feels they represent the message the show tries to teach. She does feel like some couples are absolutely not meant for each other, like Chelsea and Jimmy. “I feel like he only wanted her because she said she looks like Megan Fox, and literally the first thing he said [when he saw her] was ‘You do not look like Megan Fox.’ I’m like you can’t even handle her, so imagine him with [Jessica] and she has a kid!”
She says she feels as though Jimmy tried to see it through, but when he saw her he changed his mind. She continued to say she felt like he tried to make it seem like that’s not what he was going after her for, but it’s pretty obvious because he wasn’t staying there for her personality and he wasn’t really trying to get to know her. She thinks that if Trevor had the chance to ask her first, she would’ve said yes. “Trevor was literally head over heels for that girl and she went with the opposite... same thing with Jimmy, [Jessica] was head over heels but he went for Chelsea.” She continued, “They just said ‘I love you.’ for the aesthetic they did not love each other, let's not lie. They’re lying on the internet and it’s literally insane to me, like why are y’all lying for clout and views, that show literally had me done.” Nevaeh then goes on to say that Jeramy is such a horrible person for what he did to Jimmy, “I feel so so bad for Laura, at first you think [Jeramy’s] really sweet and then he’s not dedicated to her, and that’s what’s making me upset because she’s obviously dedicated to him and at the end of the day he got down on one knee and her to marry him.” She says it was wrong for Sarah Ann to DM Jeramy and for Jeramy to still have contact with her after he made his choice. She thinks that Jeramy definitely cheated because he was at her house until the next morning, and tried to lie about it. “ He did 'cause why are you at [Sarah Ann’s] house until 5 am and then you’re gonna sit here and lie too? And make her feel like she’s crazy? The audacity is crazy. He was not learning from his mistakes, I feel like that’s the difference between the couples.”
Nevaeh then goes on to say that Jeramy is such a horrible person for what he did to Jimmy, “I feel so so bad for Laura, at first you think [Jeramy’s] really sweet and then he’s not dedicated to her and that’s what’s making me upset because she’s obviously dedicated to him and at the end of the day he got down on one knee and her to marry him.”
She says it was wrong for Sarah Ann to DM Jeramy and for Jeramy to still have contact with her after he made his choice. She thinks that Jeramy definitely cheated because he was at her house until the next morning and tried to lie about it. “He did 'cause why are you at [Sarah Ann’s] house until 5 am and then you’re gonna sit here and lie too? And make her feel like she’s crazy? The audacity is crazy. He was not learning from his mistakes, I feel like that’s the difference between the couples.” She ends by saying, “Laura, she ate him up, real bad. He was speechless, didn’t know what to say because he knew she was right. These women are too grown for these childish men.” Luke says AD and Clay were his favorite couple, even though they didn’t end up together, he liked Clay's personality, “I think he's a cool guy.” Like Nevaeh’s opinion, he says no couple on the show are meant for each other, “...That show is stupid and rigged.”
Luke says, “I think he [should’ve picked] Sarah Ann because Laura is kind of crazy.” Luke continues to say that if [Jeramy] had let [Laura] know that he was going to [Sarah Ann’s] house, the situation would be different, maybe they would’ve worked it out.
He doesn’t agree with most people who think that Jeramy cheated, “I don’t think that he did anything. I think they just had a conversation about why he didn’t choose her…” Luke thinks that Matthew is a bad guy, “...but he looks like superman though, like Clark Kent.” He says that when AD had found out about Matthew saying the same things that he was telling her to one of the other pod girls (Amber) it made her feel like she was the second option, and if she hadn't found out she would’ve chosen Matthew instead of Clay to marry. Luke says that Jimmy and Chelsea are both ridiculously insane and should just leave the show and never talk to each other again because they are not meant for each other. He agrees that Jimmy shouldn’t be hanging out with his girl friends alone, or as much as he does. “I don’t think he really loves Chelsea because of his unwillingness to try.” and continues, “ I think Trevor is a better guy than Jimmy who actually cares about Chelsea. I think Trevor didn’t care about appearance even though Chelsea is a little crazy.” Luke ends by sharing his thoughts about the comment Jimmy made about AD, “I think he would have made that comment to anybody… I don't think Jeramy is a cheater, I think Jimmy is a cheater.” This season had an overwhelming amount of drama, but that’s why we watch it. The show is about finding love through personality instead of looks. People sit in rooms, which they call pods, and talk to a wall and get to know each other. If they fall in love, they propose and meet, then they try to make it to the wedding date, watch to see who does. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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