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The Drama put on a jaw dropping show in the Senior Courtyard on April 29th and 30th. The staff, students, and fellow members of the theater adored every minute.
by Mackenzie Ragan and Cheyenne Seagraves
The Drama put on a jaw-dropping show in the Senior Courtyard on April 29th and 30th. The staff, students, and fellow members of the theater adored every minute.
The students of the Drama program thought highly of this play and their performance. According to Sophomore Jazmyne Black, “I loved it. I love Greek Mythology so it was fun for me.” Since they had to move outdoors, “it was definitely an adjustment when we had to go outside.” Still, she loved every minute of it, the process and show. Sophomore Nevaeh Patrick states, “The water [was my favorite] for the most part and the outside scenery. It was very nice.” Her favorite character when working through this play was Midas. “He was so funny and his character made so much sense.” Sophomore Gianna Pittaluga had some very positive things to say about the show. “I liked the Greek Mythology of it all. I liked it all and thought it was really cool.” She stated her favorite characters “Samuel or Matt was my favorite character because they played so many roles and they were all very big roles.” When asked what her favorite act was she said, “The whole play was really good. I don’t have a favorite act.” She finishes her thoughts by talking about the shows the students work on, “They’re literally amazing and if you haven’t came to see the shows, you’re weird.” The drama teacher, Mrs. Duffield talks about her experience being a drama teacher. “I love it, It’s the most fun ever. I have the best job in the world. I get to play pretend all the time.” When asked what her favorite thing about the play she stated, “I enjoyed watching my actors do all of their character work and get into understanding who their characters were from the inside out.” Duffield also states, “I really enjoyed the use of symbolism. I liked the way we got to play with that as actors.” She finished by saying, “They worked really, really hard on everything we have done this semester, not just Metamorphosis- on Mean Girls and their class work. I see them put such passion into what they do and it’s really exciting… It makes me feel proud of them.” As the school year comes to an end, the Drama program has more upcoming shows next semester. Seeing the students work so hard, shows how much they care and how much they want you to come see them! The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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