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On Sunday, May 14th moms all across Walnut Grove were celebrated including some of our very own teachers at WGHS. Mrs. Amos strives to be a motherly-figure to students here at Walnut Grove, but she is also striving to be the best mother to her son.
by Annabelle Adams ![]()
On Sunday, May 14th moms all across Walnut Grove were celebrated including some of our very own teachers at WGHS. Mrs. Amos strives to be a motherly-figure to students here at Walnut Grove, but she also strives to be the best mother to her son.
While she is known to many students as Mrs. Amos, who teaches AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, and Forensics, her four-year-old son, Henry, just knows her as Mom. When talking about her son, she mentions the kinds of qualities her son has been able to pick up from her. “Henry definitely has my lack of grace; he can trip over thin air. He also has my inability to control facial expressions. He might not say it, but he’s thinking it, and we can all see it,” she laughs as she thinks about her son and their shared traits. Most know motherhood to be an up-and-down journey, however they almost always seem to go to the one that raised them for any helpful advice. As she recalls the helpful advice her own mother gave her, Mrs. Amos shares the best of the advice, “Hide from most people and take at least 5 to 10 minutes to yourself... be tenacious, and it’s okay to be a mama bear. If you don’t advocate for your child, then no one else is going to.” In her freetime, Mrs. Amos can be found doing renovations on her house. She even mentions that the best Mother’s Day gift she’s received was, “a brand new table saw. Sounds a little weird, but I love it because I do a lot of DIY. I’m eyeballing a new tile saw right now that I might buy with the Home Depot gift card I got this year.” She can also be found leaving an impact on her students at Walnut Grove. She recalls this impact by saying, “I wish that all of my students feel like I’m their mama, to an extent. I will be your biggest supporter, I will kick you in the butt when I need to, and I will push you when I need you to be pushed.” With hopes of leaving a beneficial impact on her "kids", both her students and her son, Mrs. Amos mentions the advice she gives to all of her seniors at the end of the year, “We are all weird and just find someone whose weirdness matches your weirdness. Just be weird together.” She also hopes to remind everyone to “just be yourself.” The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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