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In celebration of National Pi Day, March 14 (3-14), two members of Walnut Grove’s math department were put to the test!
by Brayden Downey
Two of Walnut Grove's math teachers were selected to compete head-to-head with one another over their knowledge of Pi. They were each asked a series of questions with a tie breaker saved for the end. These two were in for a battle, but only one could be crowned victorious.
Ms. Doolittle, a geometry teacher here at The Grove took part in an activity set up for Pi day. Doolittle would be the first of the teachers to step up and begin this challenge. As she began to answer her questions, she made sure to think about her words and ensure that they were carefully calculated. She and another teacher would go head to head in a calculated faceoff regarding their knowledge of Pi.
Mrs. Kennedy, an Advanced Mathematics and Decision-Making teacher at Walnut Grove, would be Ms. Doolittle’s competition. As Mrs. Kennedy put in her answers, she had her eye on the prize: winning. She later revealed her secret upper hand- her husband's birthday is on Pi day. She had the power of knowledge in her hand and she was prepared.
As the friendly competition of Pi between our two math giants reached its end. It was a close battle between their knowledge of Pi and the facts they had hidden in their sleeves. Miss Doolittle and Mrs. Kennedy were neck and neck with the facts they had to offer. Notably, Miss Doolittle was excited to share that not only does Pi recognize the number, but Albert Einstein's birthday too.
With the final question leading us to break our tie… Mrs. Kennedy pushed through to victory. She and Miss Doolittle were asked to recite the number of pi to the farthest decimal they could. Mrs. Kennedy could recite Pi out to its seventh decimal place while Miss Doolittle took us out to the sixth. These two math teachers at Walnut Grove are loved by many students and are very appreciated here at Walnut Grove High School for all they do. We at VIRIDIAN wish Mr. Kennedy a wonderful birthday and for the students of Walnut Grove, one less math problem. Pi day was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw to recognize the wonderful number of Pi. You may be asking yourself, What is Pi and how could Pi even be that important? You're not alone in that question. The answer is surprising though. “The constant π helps us understand our universe with greater clarity. The definition of π inspired a new notion of the measurement of angles, a new unit of measurement. This important angle measure is known as “radian measure” and gave rise to many important insights in our physical world.” quoted by Wondrium on the Wondrium daily. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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