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HO HO HO, Merry Christmas! This year Mrs. Sparks surprised Walnut Grove students with Santa Claus.
by Natonya Clinger and Kelsey Edmundson ![]()
Christmas is known for being the most jolliest time of the year when friends and family get together and open presents or just spending the holiday talking about Jesus Christ. Ruby Aderhold is a senior here at Walnut Grove, she gave her thoughts on the surprise visit of Santa. “Having Santa here actually did put me in the Christmas spirit. It made me want to go home and eat cookies with milk and put up my Christmas tree. I think he put a lot of people in the Christmas spirit.” Ruby Stated.
Her holiday spirit was raised from a 1 to a 10 as Santa made his way around the school. Sadly, Santa couldn’t have a chat with everyone, but he made sure that he gave the majority of people high fives. Ruby further explained that “having Santa here made everyone happy. Like everyone during my lunch started clapping and cheering for Santa. It’s good to see positivity like that… The atmosphere was chaotic. But it was a good chaotic. Everyone was making noise and cheering. Lots of smiles.” ![]()
Coach Cockerm (administrator) also had the chance to have a moment with Santa. He says that he started to get a little emotional, because he looked so real. Santa did have a conversation with Coach Cockerm, he states that Santa told him that he was being a “good boy” It did put Cockerm in a holiday spirit. “He was so realistic looking, he was 6 '7, and his beard was real, I touched it… It was like I was in a Kindergarten Class, with all elementary students.” Overall he did get into the spirit of Christmas!
Mrs. Aimee Sparks is the ECE teacher as well the one who brought Walnut Groves's Christmas spirit to life. “The kids did know Santa was coming but didn't know when. When the children came back from recess, Santa surprised them with a bag full of gifts! ...Santa was here to celebrate the JOYS of the Christmas season with our Wee Warriors. He read a book and chatted with the children,” said Sparks. Then the fun and joy came upstairs to the high school students, “It was so much fun sharing Santa with all of our big and small students and seeing their faces light up when they saw Santa himself! He brought so much joy to WGHS that day!” states Mrs. Sparks. With mostly everyone meeting Santa and Christmas getting closer and Christmas break even closer, everyone here at Walnut Grove High School can't wait for the holidays and excitement and freedom. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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