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With less than 6 school weeks left until Senior exams and 7 weeks until graduation, many seniors at Walnut Grove, are experiencing the post-winter blues and a disease vaccines can’t cure: the dreaded "Senioritis".
by Jordan Jones ![]()
With less than 6 school weeks left until Senior exams and 7 weeks until graduation, many seniors at Walnut Grove, are experiencing the post-winter blues and a disease vaccines can’t cure: the dreaded "Senioritis".
Symptoms include laziness, excessive lateness, lack of drive, and an extreme desire to graduate. Before senior year we were all warned and told about this “infectious” disease. But were we honestly expecting to get it? Probably not. Since middle school we’ve taken apart in a total of 14 semesters, and from the perspective of an involved student, its safe to say that the burn out is real. We are told this is going to be the best year of high school, but it can be quite overwhelming with having tasks of taking the SAT’s and ACT’s. Furthermore, seniors deal with volunteering, applying to colleges, keeping grades up amidst having to work, and trying to maintain some sort of social life during this last semester of high school before entering adult life. Research done by Omniscient explains that around 78 percent of all high school students deal with some form of senioritis. Anayat Durrani ofU.S. News and World Report says that some of the best strategies to deal with senioritis include “[not depriving ] yourself of fun, [keeping] the end goal in sight, [changing] things up a bit, and [staying] organized and on a schedule.” Now for the following seniors we take a look into into this “illness” and how they cope using entertainment: Jayden Thompson: “I cope with senioritis with YouTube, YouTube, and more YouTube. I enjoy watching videos involving my job [because I learn] skills that I can apply to it." Jayden also said that his senioritis is “not too bad [because] I have a good sleep schedule." Maddox Digby: Maddox is a senior known quite well for his case of senioritis, but he has become motivated this semester by being occupied with sports, such as Golf. In his words “it just makes this semester seem to go by faster.” As well as mentioning that “I don’t go to sleep until like 1:30AM. Watching TV helps me cope with senioritis.” Zack Ford: “I cope with senioritis stress by watching Netflix, specifically [the show] You, and it just helps me because I can multitask too, and it makes me less overwhelmed with my work.” The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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