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Seniors of WGHS had their last moment in the spotlight for Senior Week before they take their final bow on stage at graduation. Students share their outfits for each day of Senior Week.
by Ansleigh Hester and Cheyenne Seagraves
Seniors of WGHS had their last moment in the spotlight for Senior Week before they take their final bow on stage at graduation. Students share their outfits for each day of Senior Week. Tuesday of Senior Week was to dress up as your favorite teacher. Ella Whitaker and other seniors dressed up as their favorite teacher, Mrs. Merck. “I’m going to miss Ms. Merck because she is my favorite teacher at WGHS.” ![]()
Wednesday was dress for success. Many dressed up as their favorite profession or career. Mya Howard dressed up as a nurse. After high school she wants to pursue a medical career and become a nurse.
Thursday was dress as your Kindergarten photo. Anthony Carrillo spoke about his outfit, “I dressed up as my Kindergarten picture because I thought it was fun.” Anthony then gave us a few details about his outfit, “I put on an adult diaper because I entered Kindergarten pretty early, and I wasn’t potty trained.” Friday, the final day of Senior Week, was dress in your college or work shirt you are planning to attend. Many seniors like Jordan Jones, Jasmine Morales, Ryley Baker, Dana Davis, Olivia Bentley, and Mya Howard wore their college attire. “I wore my Fort Valley T-shirt for Friday (it was her favorite day),” Mya explained.
Finally, all three seniors stated what they will miss about WGHS. Ella Whitaker says, “I’m going to miss the people, teachers (especially Mrs. Merck), my friends, my band and chorus, and Mr. Reidling.”
Mya Howard stated the events and people that she will miss, “I will miss the football games, Mrs. Shelnutt, Mrs. Whitehurst, and Nurse Lauren.” Anthony Carrillo says, “I’m going to miss the people, and the teachers like Coach Trammel.” The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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