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Here at Walnut Grove High School, Wednesdays are the teacher favorite. Every Wednesday Mr. McPherson, one of our amazing media specialists, comes up with an idea to celebrate teachers: he calls it Hump Day Hijinks.
by Natonya Clinger
Here at Walnut Grove High School, Wednesdays are the teacher favorite. Every Wednesday Mr. McPherson, one of our amazing media specialists, comes up with an idea to celebrate teachers: he calls it Hump Day Hijinks. Mr. McPherson he explained, “It is a climate and culture committee; they call themselves C3, and we just have a look at ways to engage the staff and keep them happy, just one of the ways of getting the best out of them.” When asked how he came up with these ideas. Ms. Britt said “Oh, he is just brilliant”. McPherson laughed and smiled, "We had a look at what others have done and tried to manipulate things... try and get ways that we can have teachers participate in the classroom without having to leave... I call these activities 'Hump Day Hijinks.' In the middle of the week people are looking for something to keep them moving till the end of the week. It's just really like a staff morale participation type of thing.” Going around and asking teacher how they feel about Wednesdays Coach Carrafa said, “Fantastic. It's hump day; it's half way.” When asked about how he felt in getting to participate in Hump Day Hijinks, he responded with “It's awesome. I enjoy it a lot- it gives us something to do, besides sitting behind a desk or up in front of a class teaching the same thing almost 3 times a day.” He further explained how he views the competition: "Oh I play to win all the time, I play to beat Coach Fid.” Coach Fiddler leans into his friendly rivalry with Coach Carrafa, “Oh I'm ok with it. I imagine him waking up every day just wishing he can be on my level.” If Coach Fid were in charge of coming up with the ideas he said, “I would do a taco Tuesday for all the teacher and get a taco bar. I would also make all the teachers wear like little fake mustaches all day.” ![]()
Last Wednesday, March 15th, all the teachers had to go to the media center to find out what their leprechaun name was; they had to print it out on a paper nametag. Along with the nametags, they all got St. Patrick themed donuts and coffee. Throughout the day their names would be drawn out of a “pot o' gold”. If they their leprechaun name was chosen, and if they were still wearing the name tag, they would win a gift card.
The $15 gift card winners were Shea Gibson, Kristy Mulkey, and Tricia Meadows. The top winner for the $25 gift card to Olive Garden was Dr. Jaimon Jones. Hump Day Hijinks will continue every Wednesday for the teachers. Mrs. Britt and Mr. McPherson hope that the teachers enjoys the things they plan as much as they enjoy coming up with- and implementing- them. WGHS is proud to have awesome media specialists, who are glad to turn a teacher's boring Wednesday into a Hump Day they can look forward to. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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