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Damsel was released March 8th, it stars Millie Bobby Brown, who is most famous for her role as Eleven in Stranger Things. WGHS students give their thoughts and opinions about this movie.
by Malachi Lovett and Cheyenne Seagraves ![]()
Damsel was released March 8th, it stars Millie Bobby Brown, who is most famous for her role as Eleven in Stranger Things. WGHS students give their thoughts and opinions about this movie. A young woman is sent to marry a prince, but finds that it’s all a trick.
Charlize Smith (Junior) liked the fact that Millie Bobby Brown was in the movie, “I liked the female representation, I liked the action of the movie.” She then expressed her thoughts on the movie being in the number one spot on Netflix she had to note, “Love is blind season six should be in the number one spot. It was just like the dialogue or whatever was just so corny and the prince was so annoying like what are you even talking about? I just hated him.” Her favorite part of the movie was when they are at the wedding and see the coin roll, she continued, “it was like oh it's getting serious oh she's back. At the very end when she rolls the coin at the wedding the queen looks at it in shock and Millie Bobby Brown is wearing this black corset. She walks out and she is all chard and I was like WOW.” When speaking on the plot of the movie she comments, “I saw the idea. I saw the concept. Was it achieved? Would I watch it again? No. Actually I would watch it again. I would just skip to when she was in the cave and only watch that.” She also said “I didn’t like the fact that the dragon had a voice. I don't know if that just threw me off.” Lauren Brandt (Junior) states her thoughts, “I liked how I was engaged with the movie from beginning to end. I really enjoy fantasy movies and books, so I was into it.” She thinks that Millie gave a really good performance, especially in the last confrontation between [Elodie] and the dragon. “The last 20 minutes are very solid.” She continues, “My favorite character was her dad because he was so brave to go and try and save his daughter and he had so much courage, you can tell he really cared for Elodie, the plot was decent. I wish the dialogue was a little bit better. Like a lot of the time Millie’s lines are her grunting from fighting, but I really liked the plot because of the fantasy genre.” Lauren says it makes sense that this movie is number 1 on Netflix because Millie is a huge actress with a lot of talent, and Netflix doesn't have much going on right now. She also said Angela Bassett put on a great performance. “I wish the prince was cuter.” Genios Wilson (Freshman) says the dragon and [Elodie] are her favorite characters, “[They] just looked cool.” She says that her sister is a little agitating from time to time, but she likes her regardless. Her favorite part was when Elodie got out of the cave for the first time. She wanted to watch the movie because she saw that Millie was the main character. She states, “It was fast paced, she got thrown in there she got out, her sister got thrown in there, saved the sister, we’re done.” She doesn’t agree with the fact that it’s the number 1 movie on Netflix right now, “It wasn’t that good, it’s not a bad movie, but there’s better.” She finalized. Holding the #1 spot on Netflix Damsel is a worthwhile watch for anyone. Only coming out a week ago it already has hundreds of reviews with a 6.2 star rating on IMDb. It stars people like Nick Robinson, Robin Wright, Angela Bassett, and of course Millie Bobby Brown. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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