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This Monday, February 13th, the track and field team held their annual time trials to determine the runners’ preseason abilities.
by Ashlynn Stewart
This Monday, February 13th, the track and field team held their annual time trials to determine the runners’ preseason abilities. The results of this event will guide the future of the season, and Coach Abner explains just how. “It’s to see where everyone is at,” Commented the Coach. “So that athletes can establish where they’re at as well, and distinguish who needs to do what event.” During time trials, sprinters run 100m, 200m, and 400m, in order to gauge their potential, while long distance runners practice the 800m and 1600m. Coach Abner stated that the preseason event, “Helps them understand how an actual event would run, between check ins and cool downs, and making sure to get off the track.” While the season is brand new, Coach Abner said that he has his eyes on returners from last year to see how they perform. “I don’t expect any PRs, but I want to see the athletes compete,” He explained. “Against each other, but even more, compete against the time at the finish line.” Encouraging the team to compete against themselves has produced a number of inspiring runners across all grade levels. ![]()
Zackary Ford, a Senior runner, scored impressively in all events, running a flat 0:57.0 for the 400m. “I think it was good but I feel like I should’ve been faster,” Zack stated. He plans to improve his time with the help of push ups and sit ups.
When questioned how he prepared before the event, Zackary admitted, “I warmed up but I was laying down for the most of it.” Not exhausting himself before the events wielded favorable results for the senior. “I felt pretty good, my legs weren’t as sore as usual.” “I want all of us to do good,” Zack expressed when competition was brought up. “Just score as many points for the team as possible.” Zack hopes to run the 200m, 400m, 4x1, and 4x4 during future meets and competitions. His next run time goal for the 200m is sub 0:23.5, and he is very motivated to do well in all events. “I like winning.” Pretty much just be the best that I can be and prove that a freshman isn’t just there to be a sideline ![]()
Adrian Garcia is a Junior, and a Long Distance runner for the Track and Field team. Unlike the sprinters, he runs the 800m and 1600m. This Monday he scored a 2:31.0 during the 800m. “I felt amazing. It was definitely my best so far,” Adrian said. He plans to keep practicing over and over and build up his muscle and endurance.
“I just did what I normally do during a normal practice,” Adrian explained. “Just a warm up and stretch.” Building up his stamina, Adrien was able to outperform the other runners on his team and finish in record time. “I felt good, it was definitely one of my better days, didn’t have much pains.” When future races were mentioned, Adrian stated, “I hope to definitely perform as good as I did at time trials.” His personal goal is to run the 4x8. “My motivation is just to be better than the others,” Adrian commented. His next run time goal for the 800m is sub 2:30.0. ![]()
Brent Chay, while only a Sophomore runner, scored a 0:57.12 during the 400m, and was on par with several of the experienced runners. “I think it was ok, my PRs better but I feel like I could’ve done a little better,” Brent stated. He intends to keep conditioning himself to run faster.
“I just stretched and got my hips right cause my hips were kind of hurting,” Brent explained when asked how he prepared before the event. “I felt good, when I hit the curve I was struggling mentally but I just had to push through.” Perseverance allowed Brent to place 2nd in nearly every event on Monday. “The hope is good,” Brent expressed when asked about hopes for meets and competitions. “I mean I hope people keep competing with me and make me better.” Brent claimed his motivations are, “Just give it my all because I wanna be number one.” He hopes to run around a 0:55 in the next 400m. ![]()
Ian Mckenzie is a freshman runner, who scored 0:58.34 during the 400m, the highest in his grade, scoring fifth overall. “I was very very mad, I wish I could’ve gone higher but I ended up stalling out in the final 50 and slowed down.” Ian plans to keep on top of his scoring in the continuing season, and not let his bronchitis keep him down.
“[I] spent the time trying to psyche myself up and get ready.” Though the freshman did impressively in the 400m, he felt otherwise. “I felt slow, but I was having so much fun,” He expressed. “That's all that really mattered.” “Of course the hopes to get to first especially in a freshman run,” Ian stated about future competitions. He hopes to get in the A team for the 4x4 and Varsity for the 400m. His motivations are, “Pretty much just be the best that I can be and prove that a freshman isn’t just there to be a sideline,” He explained. “That a freshman can and will show off and not all the competition needs to go to the other guys.” Ian plans to run a 0:57.0 in the next 400m race. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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