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The upperclassmen of Walnut Grove had their first as well as their final Prom dance. It was held at The Factory at Walton Mill on April 23, 2023.
by Mackenzie Ragan and Cheyenne Seagraves
The upperclassmen of Walnut Grove had their first as well as their final Prom dance. It was held at The Factory at Walton Mill on April 23, 2023.
Juniors attended their first ever Prom dance and would like to elaborate on the experience. Junior Violet Henrich shares her experience at her first dance. “It’s definitely not like High School Musical, but I think that’s a good thing.” She continues to say, “It was fun. I’m not much of one for dancing or anything, but I enjoyed myself.” Junior Chazz Hayes says, “It was not what I expected but it was pretty fun, pretty exciting, and I’m glad I got to go.” He’s also glad he had someone to go with. He laughed, “I thought I was gonna be single, so thank God.” Students had very similar yet different answers. Senior Lacie Palmer anticipated the seniors Brody Sinko and Yvette Johnson-Mcleod to win the title of Prom King and Queen. “I think Brody Sinko and Yvette because I have known Brody since Freshman year, and he’s a really awesome person, and he’s cool to be around... I’ve known Yvette since Kindergarten, and she’s so awesome, too.” Senior William Hollingsworth says, “I thought Yvette was gonna win, same as Brody. He’s a pretty stand up guy.” He also spoke about how it feels for it to be his last Prom, “Great… It was fun while it lasted and I’m ready to be a grown up.” Violet voted differently. “I voted for Paulina because she would make a great queen and is a good friend of mine. For prom king, I voted for Brett Bens because he is also a great friend of mine too.” ![]()
Prom Queen Yvette Johnson-Mcleod also talks about her experience winning the title, “I had some doubts, but overall I had a lot of my peers telling me they voted for me and it made me realize that more people voted for me than I initially thought.”
Yvette goes on to say, “It honestly feels good to know they believe I deserve it. It makes me feel like people really like me and that the things I do around the school are important because people know me and they watch me.” Yvette discussed her thoughts on her campaign strategies on how she got students to vote for her, “I believe they were great. I had a couple of the students' favorite teachers make campaign videos with a fathead picture.” She then finished by stating, “I also had some peers take pictures and videos with my fathead picture. I also added mini posters around the school in the main hallways.” Prom King Brody Sinko opens up about his thoughts on him winning, “I honestly did not think I would win… I don't really think I'm that popular, so I genuinely thought there was no chance of my winning.” Brody also talks about how it felt for him to win, “It really does feel like an honor and almost self affirming that people like me to be chosen. It really hit me how crazy it was when people I didn't even know came up to me and said they voted for me.” Brody elaborates on how he got people to vote for him, “I just told everyone to vote for me and for them to tell people to vote for me. I made like one Instagram story and that was it. The funny part is that like three weeks prior to prom I wasn't even planning on going… I only thought about running for king when one of my friends told me I should do it.” Brody finished, “This whole experience of getting voted really doesn't feel real, and I'm just really happy that I can represent the school.” Her and Brody’s campaign strategies can be used to help spark ideas for next year’s election. With the 2023 prom season at its closing, upperclassmen look forward to the calm closing of their school year. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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