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WGHS Volleyball seems to be spiking the ball so far this 23-24 season as Varsity's win-loss ratio is 14-8, and JV currently stands at 3-2. August has been a hit for varsity as they are currently first in their area.
by Ane'J Beers and Dylan Calvo ![]()
WGHS Volleyball seems to be spiking the ball so far this 23-24 season as Varsity's win-loss ratio is 14-8, and JV currently stands at 3-2. August has been a hit for varsity as they are currently first in their area, Via Maxpreps. Fans hope to see them continue this streak as they play Miller Grove High School September 12, at 5:30PM.
Walnut Grove is considered to be one of the highest performing volleyball teams in the region, and Walnut Grove is currently rated one of the best athletic departments in 4A Region 6. When asked if she prefers WGHS or her past school, South Gwinnett, Iyana Spencer (11) exclaims, “Our school definitely. We feel like more of a team, it's almost like we're family. Our coach is also way more supportive and encouraging. I feel the love more at Walnut Grove.” Since Iyana came from South Gwinnett, which had a record of 5-17, she definitely noticed the improvement of teams and matches won. ![]()
Iyana goes on to share how the team has gotten so close, “We all just clicked super fast, we honestly treat each other like we’re lifelong friends. We're going to the UGA game on Friday, and we also had a sleepover at the school over the summer, these things really help us connect.” This teamwork and positivity proves to be the reason their win-loss score has taken a big change from the previous year, which sat at 6-11. Although they are playing well, she explains what really brings them the motivation to slam their competition, “The teams we are playing this season are very hard to beat and have a good reputation. That has just been encouraging us to practice and work harder.”
WGHS JV Volleyball is on the same successful path as varsity, as they have won three of the five games they competed in. “Our teamwork and togetherness is really impressive. We are almost like a family,” Zoe Moser (10) states. Kylie Johnson (10), a fellow JV player, was asked what she found special from the month of August, “We went to the championship against Loganville for our county tournament. I feel we all played really well and honestly it was just an honor to play there.” The future of WGHS volleyball is looking bright as they hope to keep this up with their next game on September 26th vs ACHS.
Overall, WGHS volleyball is looking hopeful after the successful month full of team support, good games, and helpful practices. After this month’s strong ending, the team plans to carry this momentum into September and fight their way to the Georgia State Playoffs. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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