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Now that Walnut Grove’s new Warrior warehouse is open, students are open to visit and purchase items from the school.
by Ruby Aderhold
Now that Walnut Grove’s new Warrior Warehouse is open, students are free to visit and purchase items from the school. The Warrior Warehouse is WGHS’s school store that provides students with the opportunity to boost the school’s spirit and morale. They sell lots of items including school merch, a variety of snacks, drinks, ice cream, and much more. Here are some students’ opinions and thoughts on the warehouse.
This is what Emma Toney, a freshman, thinks about the new school store. “From what I’ve seen, yeah, I like it.” She says that from what she’s heard, “they sell chips, candy, shirts, and stuff like that, but it’s all for a good price.” Emma says that she hopes the warrior warehouse will have bracelets with the school colors (green, black and white), sort of like school spirit bracelets. Sounds like a very creative idea. Rehaan Virani, a junior at Walnut Grove, says why he believes the Warrior Warehouse can benefit the school. “I mean, sometimes people want to buy stuff and it also helps school spirit.” He explains what he thinks would be a great addition to the store. “I don’t know everything they’re selling, but if they had bigger quantities of snacks that would be awesome as well. Like if you could get the bigger bags of snacks.” According to Rehaan, the Warrior Warehouse seems to be quite the success, “Every time I go to lunch I see a big line, so I’d say it’s pretty popular.” Senior Amber Farrow seems to have an opposing opinion from Rehaan’s. “I know a few people who use it, but I don’t think it’s as popular as the Chick Fil A biscuits in the morning.” Despite this, Amber says that she’s heard the Warrior Warehouse is, “pretty good. They sell stuff, so that’s cool.” She goes on to say that, “I know that they sell shirts, but do they sell jackets, too? I think that would be a good idea. They could probably sell pins for your bookbag as well.” It seems like Walnut Grove’s new Warrior Warehouse is getting mixed feedback, but mostly good. Overall, the Warrior Warehouse seems to be a hit! It’s great to see students supporting the school. Can’t wait to see what else Walnut Grove comes up with! The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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