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Students of all grade levels at Walnut Grove are counting down the days until the annual dance known as Debutantes Of Monroe, which is being held at the Factory at Walton Mill, on May 6th.
by Jordan Wolff
Debutantes of Monroe is a widely attended event by many at WGHS. In the past, my experience with Debutantes of Monroe, also known as DOM, has been fantastic. I believe it's a great, fun, and eventful experience that everyone should be able to experience at least once during their time in high school. Personally, I am very excited about the upcoming DOM 2023.
Similarly, a sophomore, Maggie Shumate is “very excited” about DOM. Shumate exclaimed, “[I’m] like 10/10 excited. Dancing with my friends is probably my favorite part.” When asked about her least favorite part of DOM, Shumate she said “Dinner because there's like 60,000 people there.” Shumate revealed that she’ll be going to DOM with Emerson Medlock, a sophomore at Walnut Grove. Medlock, a sophomore, spoke about how he wasn’t excited about DOM. Medlock gave a brief summary of his experience with DOM in the past and expressed, “I'm not really excited because it's boring.” Although Emerson holds these views, he explained that his favorite part of DOM is “probably before the actual dance.” Unsurprisingly, Medlock's least favorite part about DOM was the dance as he stated, “ I don’t like the dance, it can get pretty boring after a while.” Although Medlock may not be excited about DOM, he still believes, “Yeah... I’ll still have fun.” Another attendee of DOM, Karis Griswell, a junior, had a lot to say about DOM. “Yes, I’m super excited because I love dancing,” Griswell said. She mentioned that her favorite part of DOM is “getting ready with my friends; that's so fun because we listen to music and stuff.” Griswell explained that out of the whole experience taking pictures was her least favorite about DOM. She reasoned, “Pictures just take so long.” Griswell will be attending DOM with Emery Langston, another Junior at Walnut Grove. Langston, a junior, voiced his thoughts on his excitement for the event. When asked what his favorite part of DOM was, Langston expressed that, “getting ready and getting dressed up is my favorite part.” Langston disclosed his least favorite part of the event stating, “I don’t like the dance, it's not as fun as everything that happens before it.” Collectively, a majority of the students, including myself, are excited about Debutantes of Monroe 2023. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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