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Last Monday, Walnut Grove’s FBLA team went to an informative meeting and speech at Six Flags. Here’s what happened!
by Brylee Sanders and Kelsey Edmondson
Last Monday, Walnut Grove’s FBLA team went to an informative meeting and speech at Six Flags. Here’s what happened!
“Every fall, the FBLA leaders hold a motivational rally to give motivation for the year. It's a good time to show off what regional and state competitions might look like. It’s a good time to get students signed up for stuff. They did have a general session, where our state leadership spoke and just motivated everyone and talked about the upcoming year,” explained Amber Rutledge. The team left early that morning, and after attending their informational meeting, it was time for a fun day at the theme park. Mrs. Rutledge, the official club sponsor for FBLA here at WGHS excitedly explained, “I put the kids in random groups just for check-ins and to make sure they have buddies in the park. There were 4,700 FBLA members there, and we intermixed; Loganville was there too; everyone had a T-shirt on so you could tell where they were from. Other than lunch at 11, the kids rode all of the rides; the park was rented out for only FBLA, so the capacity was like 10%; the lines weren't long, and we got to ride multiple times.”
Devan Cape (10) is one of the FBLA members here at WGHS and is one of many people who attended the Six Flags trip, “It was fun; me and my friends rode the Goliath like 8x, and we got to play around a little bit; we just did all kinds of stuff.” There were tons of games that were available to play, like basketball and trying to knock cups down with balls. One of his personal favorite memories from the trip was riding the Batman. While other FBLA members from other schools attended, Devan made a couple of new friends. While he was there, he got to meet the whole FBLA team, talk to new people, and get to know them. ![]()
Gabrielle Hill (10) went more in depth about the trip, “It was fun, but we all got some exercise going from ride to ride." One of the things she enjoyed the most was the free refills after lunch. She also mentioned that the concessions were really good. All of the memories that she made, meeting new people, and going on all different types of rides are what she enjoyed the most; her personal favorite ride was the Goliath. Gabrielle comments, “I think it got us closer, and it gave us a better understanding of what this club is and what we want to represent for it."
Overall, the FBLA members enjoyed the trip, from the rides and the games to meeting new people and bonding over their similar interests. The trip was definitely a memorable one. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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