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As Walnut Grove High School returned from a 3 day weekend for labor day, The WG Art students got hard to work making locker art exhibitions for the first part of the 23-24 school year.
by Brayden Downey & Kelsey Edmondson
As Walnut Grove High School returned from a 3 day weekend for labor day, The WG Art students got hard to work making locker art exhibitions for the first part of the 23-24 school year.
Walnut Grove's 2nd block art class has been hard at work on their locker art projects which are put on display for the student body to see as they go on throughout their day. This allows some of our students to showcase their works and show off their creativity and talent. Students were to come up with something whether it be an idea, emotion, or something different altogether. Heaven Smith, a junior here at Walnut Grove High School decided to make her locker art project about an escape room but not in the traditional sense you might be thinking. She says, “I was inspired to make this piece of art when our teacher asked us to come up with an idea, it could’ve been anything really. The theme I chose to do my project on was an escape room, but not just how you might physically see it but how you could feel an escape room too I guess… → Being in high school, it can be hard sometimes to balance it all. The escape room was just something for people to look at and relate to.” Any student you find will say that they have struggled with something in school at one point or another and having somewhere to escape to and not have to deal with all the pressures of life is something all could relate to. Whitley Farner (11), a student in the 2nd block art class, gave her ideas and thoughts on her locker art. Whitley further explained how last December was her 16th birthday, she states that her birthday party was the “most depressing birthday party [she’s] ever had”. She decided to have a birthday party in her locker. When asked what some of the things she had to do to make her project she said, “I had to go to Walmart, it was definitely an experience. I also had to make a piece of cake out of clay in the middle of the night, which is something I’d never done before.” It took her about three days to create the “Birthday Party’’ themed locker. Whitley expressed “The locker is very pink, but I love looking at the streamers and stuff, it makes me feel happy.” She furthered that by saying she wished that she started the project earlier instead of only giving herself three days because she felt unprepared. As this week comes to a close, the art projects will be hitting the halls Friday after school so they'll ready bright and early for Monday morning as the student body returns from their weekend. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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