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Ane’J Beers, player on the Walnut Grove Tennis Team gives us a look into her tennis background, and her hopes for next season.
by Arynn Clayton
Ane’J Beers is a junior doubles player on the Walnut Grove Tennis team, whose season ended in March. Ane’J wasn’t always a tennis player, but in hopes to make friends and have fun, she didn’t hesitate to join the high school team. “I decided to play tennis my freshman year because I kind of played it in my childhood, and I remember it being fun, and I thought it’d be a good way to make new friends and have something to do after school.”
Ane’J has been playing on the Tennis team for her whole high school career, and so far she’s improved in more ways than one. But Ane’J says that she can’t take all of the credit for her improvement, she has some of her teammates to thank. “My biggest inspiration would be the seniors from this year because they are really hard working and just showing me how I need to act for next year. I’d also say that one of our freshmen, Arynn, is one of my biggest inspirations because she’s just so young, but she’s so good and so driven that it really just inspires me to try harder.” Ane’J says that with all of these hard workers around her, she feels inspired and driven to work harder every match. And with a win-loss record of 5-3, Ane’J’s point is proven. Next season, Ane’J has some high hopes for the team. “I hope next year we have a good line up. Since we lost a lot of seniors this year, it’s going to be hard to get our girls back on track, so I’m just hoping new good girls come in... but I have faith no matter what.” Her optimistic attitude and driven demeanor are all Ane’J needs to continue supporting her team and leading them to victories. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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