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You all read the title, and if you’re here, you probably love FNaF and wanna hear other opinions on the movie…
by Colton Wise
You all read the title, and if you’re here, you probably love FNaF and want to hear other opinions on the movie… or, alternatively, you hated the movie and you wanted to fan the flames of your hatred with some other guy's thoughts because it was on a website… well, hate to break it to you, but I think The FNaF Movie was the best movie I’ve ever seen, go to IGN or Screen Rant if you wanna hear somebody rag on the movie: they have bad opinions ;]
Jokes aside, if you’re still reading this you probably want to hear someone talk positively about the movie, so let’s go ahead and get to it! The FNaF Movie started out similarly to the begin of the first FNaF novel, Silver Eyes by Scott Cawthon, with someone in the pizza place late at night being stalked by everyone’s favorite pirate fox, Foxy! Unlike in Silver Eyes, the person being stalked is the first security guard, and he winds up dying. We then go to follow Mike Schmidt, the protagonist of FNaF 1 (keep in mind the movie is a different story than the games.) He’s currently security at a mall, but he attacks a kid's dad thinking he was kidnapping the kid, which causes him to get a different job. He moves to Freddy’s, and begins his shift there, leaving his younger sister, Abby with Max, the babysitter. Mike falls asleep on the job… only to be attacked in his sleep! At least that’s what it seems like.. the movie delves into this. I don’t want to spoil too much. After he wakes up in, presumably, a cold sweat, he goes to the door to find Vanessa, the police officer who has a history with Freddy’s, to say the least. She enters and wraps up Mike’s wound, showing him around the joint and giving him a nice little plastic badge. How sweet. Vanessa warns Mike to not go to sleep at Freddy’s, or else he’s surely dead… but he falls asleep anyway, and wakes up by the time his shift ends in order to go home. That’s all I’ll say without going into spoilers, go see it for yourself! ;] Generally, I didn’t want to go too far into spoilers since I like people forming their own opinions. The movie’s currently in theaters and on Peacock if you’d enjoy to go watch it for yourself. Of course, if you just want to hear my thoughts to gloat to your friends if it’s good or not? 9.8/10. Buh-bye now! The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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